
All upcoming Projekt SOL events are posted here, you don’t need to search anywhere else!

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For questions and sign up to the events, send us an email or fill in the contact form below.

Mother Earth Retreat

Mother Earth Retreat

Date: 29Feb – 3March 2024
Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

We connect to Mother Earth for our Transformation

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Healing Flower

Yoga och Healing dag Växjö

Yoga och Healing dag Växjö

Datum: 23Mars 2024
Plats: Projekt SOL, Växjö

En heldag där vi yogar och mediterar, utforskar vårt energifält i och runt vår kropp och jobbar med healing-energier.

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Date: 26 – 30 August 2023

Place: Mountain forest in Jämtland, Sweden

Wilderness Camping – Meditation – Trekking – Energy Transmission – Healing – Upgrade

We walk in 10 km deep into the forest and pick up our tents there.

We reconnect to mother earth and the creative force. We download our higher self.

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Date: 26 – 30 Augusti 2023

Plats: Fjällskog i Jämtland, Sweden

Vildmarkscamping – Meditation – Vandring – Energiarbete – Healing – Upgradering

Vi vandrar in 10 km i skogen där vi sätter upp våra tält.

Vi ansluter till moder jord och den kreativa kraften. Vi laddar ner våra högre jag.

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Winter retreat

Exclusive winter retreat with Manereia

Date: 5 days in March/April 2023

Place: Rustic mountain hut in Härjedalen, Sweden

Wilderness Camping – Meditation – Trekking – Energy Transmission – Healing

We walk in 5 km by cross country skis to a rustic mountain hut located at the treeline far out in road less mountain area. We stay here 4 nights for day-trips, meditation and healing.

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lapporten expedition

Lapporten Expedition

Date: 25 – 31 August 2024

Place: Abisko, Sweden

Wilderness Camping – Meditation – Trekking – Energy Transmission – Healing – Upgrade

We walk up to the arctic portal area high up in the mountain, bringing tent and food for one week.

We connect to mother earth, the creative force and the portal. We download our higher self.

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Date: 26 – 30 Augusti 2023

Plats: Fjällskog i Jämtland, Sweden

Vildmarkscamping – Meditation – Vandring – Energiarbete – Healing

Vi vandrar in 10 km i den orörda fjällskogen, sätter upp våra tält, mediterar och gör dagsutflykter härifrån.

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Surrender & Heal with Manereia and Per


Healing Retreat with Manereia and Per

Date: 18 – 21 May 2023
Place: Shambala Gatherings, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden

A heart opening retreat with two experienced healers who really want to share and teach the secrets about surrendering and healing.

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Surrender & Heal with Manereia and Per


Surrender & Heal Retreat with Manereia Hanuman and Per Gunnarsson

Date: 9 -11 Dec 2022
Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

A heart opening retreat with two experienced healers who really want to share and teach the secrets about surrendering and healing.

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Date: 24 – 28 Augusti 2022

Plats: Fjällskog i Jämtland, Sweden

Vildmarkscamping – Meditation – Vandring – Energiarbete – Healing

Vi vandrar in 10 km i den orörda fjällskogen, sätter upp våra tält, mediterar och gör dagsutflykter härifrån.

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Date: 24 – 28 August 2022

Place: Mountain forest in Jämtland, Sweden

Wilderness Camping – Meditation – Trekking – Energy Transmission – Healing

We walk in 10 km deep into an unspoiled virgin mountain forest, pick up our tents and do meditations and day trips from here.

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Summer camp


Bhakti School by Manereia

Date: 30 June – 3 july 2022
Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

Come home to yourself
Bhakti – Energy – Nature – Meditation – Healing – Kirtan

We live simply and cook the food together at ashram-like conditions in this Sanga Camp.

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Surrender & Heal with Manereia and Per


Date: 26 – 29 May 2022

Place: Shambala Gatherings, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden

Surrender & Heal Retreat with Manereia Hanuman and Per Gunnarsson

A heart opening retreat with two experienced healers who really want to share and teach the secrets about surrendering and healing.

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Surrender & Heal with Manereia and Per


Utveckla din healingförmåga med Manereia Hanuman och Per Gunnarsson

Datum: 20 – 21 Nov 2021
Plats: Projekt SOL, Växjö

En 2-dagars healing kurs med två erfarna healers som delar med sig och lär ut hemligheterna om hur du healar dig själv och andra.

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bhakti school


Bhakti Sanga Camp
Love and Devotion Retreat

Datum: 1 – 6 (7) November 2021

Plats: Projekt SOL, Växjö

Var med 3-7 dagar på detta retreat och få undervisning av Manereia och praktisera Bhakti tillsamans. Energy och Healing överföringar ingår.

Vi bor enkelt och lagar maten tillsammans under ashram liknande förutsättningar på denna Sanga Camp.

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Surrender & Heal with Manereia and Per


Develop your healing skills with Manereia Hanuman and Per Gunnarsson

Date: 20 – 21 Nov 2021
Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

A 2-days retreat with two experienced healers who really want to share and teach the secrets about healing.

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Surrender & Heal with Manereia and Per


Date: 16 – 19 Sep 2021

Place: Shambala Gatherings, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden

Surrender & Heal Retreat with Manereia Hanuman and Per Gunnarsson

A heart opening retreat with two experienced healers who really want to share and teach the secrets about surrendering and healing.

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bhakti school


Bhakti Sanga Camp
Love and Devotion Retreat

Date: 1 – 6 (7) November 2021
Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

Come and participate 3-7 days in this retreat to receive teaching by Manereia and practice Bhakti together. Energy and Healing Transmissions included.

We live simply and cook the food together at ashram like conditions in this Sanga Camp.

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bhakti school


Bhakti Sanga Camp
Love and Devotion Retreat

Datum: 30juni – 4 Juli 2021

Plats: Projekt SOL, Växjö

Var med på denna 4 dagars retreat och få undervisning av Manereia och praktisera Bhakti tillsamans. Energy och Healing överföringar ingår.

Vi bor enkelt och lagar maten tillsammans under ashram liknande förutsättningar på denna Sanga Camp.

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bhakti school


Bhakti Sanga Camp
Love and Devotion Retreat

Date: 30 June – 4 July 2021

Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

Come and participate in this 4-day retreat to receive teaching by Manereia and practice Bhakti together. Energy and Healing Transmissions included.

We live simply and cook the food together at ashram like conditions in this Sanga Camp.

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Date: 1 – 5 Sep 2021

Place: Mountain forest in Jämtland, Sweden

Wilderness Camping – Meditation – Trekking – Energy Transmission – Healing

We walk in 10 km deep into an unspoiled virgin mountain forest, pick up our tents and make meditations and day trips from here.

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Ascension School by Manereia

Ascension School by Manereia

Manereia offer this retreat 1-2 times per year at his premises outside Växjö. Dates will be posed under EVENTS in the navigation bar when decided. Let Manereia know if you have a request for a special date.

It is also possible to invite Manereia to run this retreat together with you at your own place.

The length of the retreat is normally 1-4 days.

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bhakti school


Bhakti Sanga Camp
Love and Devotion Retreat

Date: 30 June – 4 July 2021

Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

Come and participate in this 4-day retreat to receive teaching by Manereia and practice Bhakti together. Energy and Healing Transmissions included.

We live simply and cook the food together at ashram like conditions in this Sanga Camp.

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bhakti school


Bhakti Sanga Camp
Love and Devotion Retreat

Date: 28 April – 1 May 2022
Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

Come and participate in this 4 days retreat to receive teaching by Manereia and practice Bhakti together. Energy and Healing Transmissions included.

We live simply and cook the food together at ashram like conditions in this Sanga Camp.

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