
All upcoming Projekt SOL events are posted here, you don’t need to search anywhere else!

You will not find all events on Facebook or other social media – Subscribe to our  NEWSLETTERS  to get mail when new events in your interest area are posted.

For questions and sign up to the events, send us an email or fill in the contact form below.

Mother Earth Retreat

Mother Earth Retreat

Date: 29Feb – 3March 2024
Place: Projekt SOL, Växjö, Sweden

We connect to Mother Earth for our Transformation

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Healing Flower

Yoga och Healing dag Växjö

Yoga och Healing dag Växjö

Datum: 23Mars 2024
Plats: Projekt SOL, Växjö

En heldag där vi yogar och mediterar, utforskar vårt energifält i och runt vår kropp och jobbar med healing-energier.

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Ascension School by Manereia

Ascension School by Manereia

Manereia offer this retreat 1-2 times per year at his premises outside Växjö. Dates will be posed under EVENTS in the navigation bar when decided. Let Manereia know if you have a request for a special date.

It is also possible to invite Manereia to run this retreat together with you at your own place.

The length of the retreat is normally 1-4 days.

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