Healing Cloud


In a series of on-line meditation, Manereia guides us to the source of love where we meet to heal. All our guides are there to help us and their wisdom is channeled down through Manereia and guide us to a strong healing state where the love-force strongly flows through our bodies and energy systems.

Date and time

At the moment we meet on-line every second Thursday. Below find the current planned dates and times.

Planned dates and times: Thursday 20 Mars, 3 April and 17 April 2025 at 19:00 CET (7 pm Swedish Time).

Place: On-line

About the on-line Meditation

In the on-line meditation, Manereia connects to the source of love where we get guided by our guides, angels and our higher selves. The life force and light increase in our bodies and cells where our individual and collective memories are stored. When the life force and light reach the deeper levels in our bodies old memories are released and come up to the surface to be healed. By staying and observing/feeling what comes up and letting the light flow, we transform locked in trauma and become free. We do this for ourselves and in that way also help mother earth and all her inhabitants to get free.

When the light flows through our systems, also the cellular memories who we really are wake up, the dormant insight and wisdom becomes available and leads us and our fellow humans further up in the ascension process. We open up for our higher selves to come down and manifest in our physical bodies.

This work is a very important contribution in the ongoing ascension to higher consciousness level on earth, and we love to do it and we are thankful to be part of it. Read more about Manereias thoughts about the ongoing Ascension here.

on-line meditation


The on-line meditation will be held in English. If only Sweden spoken persons attends, it will be performed in Swedish.

Practical things

Connect to the zoom meeting some minutes before it starts, Manereia will open the room when time to start.

If you like, keep your microphone and camera on the first minutes to say hello to the attendants before we start. When we have secured the connections, you mute your microphones and choose if you like to leave your cameras on or off.

When the session is over it is possible to turn on your microphone again and share your experience if you like.

Sign up

This is a free event (no cost).

Apply by mail to live@manereia.com or press the ”sign up” button below and you will receive an automatic reply with the zoom link to the event. If you don’t get the link within a few minutes, check your spam folder.

You must sign up for each event to receive an unique zoom-link for each occasion!

Future on-line meditations

Dates for upcoming on-line meditations will be posted on this page when decided. To be sure to not miss any opportunities, please subscribe to our newsletters and check the box that you are interested in ”on-line events”.


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