After many years as a dedicated engineer, working with cleaning exhaust gas from factories and power plants, Manereia overworked himself and crashed – mentally fatigued.
To recover he began practicing yoga and meditation. After some years he truly recognised that there is a mysterious loving force living in everything, giving life to dead matter. He started to bow to the force, the loving force that makes everything alive and real. A force that he sometimes calls God. He started to dance with the love-force and developed his own way of kundalini-shakti-bhakti-yoga practice.
After some time with devotional dancing and when the mind fully accepted that there is a higher intelligence that pervades everything, something much greater than the mind and brain ever can understand, a shift happened in the former engineer brain and he surrendered completely.
A while after the surrender, a lightening containing an extreme strong crystal white light emerged from the source and penetrated Manereia’s chest. This happened early morning on the 8th of May, 2007. Memories and knowledge from past lives entered his body system then caused him to remember his old path and missions. His brain and nervous system started to reorganise.
Eight months after the hit by the crystal white light, the dormant kundalini power was activated in his body as a big, full body orgasm explosion. Everything changed. The main chakras in the spine were not open and the kundalini force therefore poured out from the root-chakra as very hot molten lava down into the legs. During all the unclaimed moments of Manereia’s life, his energy and time were taken up with taming the force clean out the body both physically and mentally for the new. It took Manereia seven years of hard work to open up the main chakras so the kundalini eventually could reach the brain that then exploded in a cascade of psychedelic colours.
After a while his brain managed to cope with the kundalini force, that each day flows stronger. The psychedelic colours were replaced with the pure white light and a big hole opened up in the top of his head, deepening the connection to the source.
Manereia is here to support mother earth and all her inhabitants in the ascension to a higher degree of consciousness. His central teaching is that love has many names and that it the same love-force (God) that flows in everyone and everything – regardless of what you call it or how you express it. He doesn’t force anybody into his beliefs. He respects the law of free will and that all individuals have free choice to select their own paths. Read more here about Manereias thoughts about ascension.
Manereia’s teaching initially aims for healing and then further into awakening. Manereia teaches in different ways both verbally and energetically. Manereia teaches intuitively without any manuscript and outside the books. Many times without words but through energy and shakti transmissions, which is his main way of teaching. Few leave untouched by the energy transmitted when performing spiritual activities together with him.
Listen to an interview in Swedish with Manereia
Read some posts by Manereia ASCENSION NOTES BY MANEREIA
Contact Manereia if you like to buy and read his book ”Kundalini Transformationen” published 2011 in Swedish language.
Manereia lives on the country side in Småland, Sweden together with his wife. They have three adult children together. Manereia’s native language is Swedish.